Thematic issue on the history of globalization
In the 85th issue of Korall, journal of social sciences, a thematic block on the history of globalization was published by members of the research group (Péter Bencsik, Gábor Koloh, Katalin Baráth, Péter Nagy, Melinda Kalmár and Zsombor Bódy).

Meeting in "October"
The regular monthly meeting of the research group takes places on the last Wednesday of each month. However, the October meeting was postponed to the beginning of November. The topics of the discussion included the planned lecture on the history of globalization at the Eötvös University in the spring semester, and our international conference and publication plans.

Research group members at the HAS conference
Three members of the research group were invited to the conference of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences entitled The controversial issues of the period of the Soviet-style regime in Hungary. In the panel on Society and Social Policy, Márkus Keller was an invited contributor, while Béla Tomka held a keynote speech in the section on Industrialisation, Agrarianism and Reform. Melinda Kalmár’s closing words summarised the lessons of the conference.

Transformation through Globalization - workshop in Vienna
A joint workshop with the Research Center for the History of Transformations (RECET) took place at the University of Vienna on Octorber 8, 2021. Béla Tomka’s presentation was followed by comments of Philipp Ther, director of RECET. Later, Márkus Keller, Zsombor Bódy and Péter Bencsik presented their papers, followed by Julia Bavouzet, Rosamund Johnston and György Majtényi.

Preparing for a workshop in Vienna
A joint workshop with the Research Center for the History of Transformations (RECET, University of Vienna) will be held on October 8, 2021 in Vienna. Today, we discussed the proposed papers of Béla Tomka, Márkus Keller, Zsombor Bódy and Péter Bencsik. The program of the event is available here.

Katalin Baráth's book published
Katalin Baráth’s new book, entitled A történetírás terhe. A magyar historiográfia rendhagyó története (The burden of historiography. The Unconventional History of Hungarian Historiography) has been published.

McDonaldization and individual research plans

Key thinkers and major debates 3
During our April Zoom-based meeting, Gábor Koloh summed up Anthony Giddens’s major thoughts on sociology and globalization. Then Melinda Kalmár presented the next chapter of the major dabates, titled World systems and empires. At last, we discussed the actualities of the research group’s work plan for the current and the next year.

Key thinkers and major debates 2
In our March online meeting, Katalin Baráth presented Arjun Appadurai’s career and his main thoughts on globalization. Regarding the major debates, Márton Simonkay gave us an insight to Global environmental protection. Both topic provoked a lively debate. Finally, the possibilities of a stronger media appearence of our research group were overviewed.

Globalization: key thinkers and major debates
During our meeting in February, we kept on discussing the key thinkers and major debates of globalization. Péter Bencsik talked about the career and globalization writings of Giovanni Arrighi (see image). Later, Béla Tomka had a presentation titled Main areas of the debate. Finally, we talked about the topics of our planned writings for the journal BBC History.